Fertilizing Your Sod

Preparing to Fertilize Your Sod.

Preparing your soil is key to laying sod that insures a healthy lawn and lush growth.
Using a rototiller or spade prepares the area to a depth of 6 inches. Make sure to remove all debris including rocks, wood and roots. Rake the area to level the soil, however this should be 1 inch below driveways, sidewalks and sprinklers.  Use a lawn roller to press the soil to a level surface. Fill in any low areas prior to rolling the area once again. You should irrigate the soil in advance of laying the sod.

You should pre-fertilize the soil with 1 pound of 6-20-20 fertilizer for each 100 square feet of prepared area.  Don’t worry you can spread fertilizer throughout your freshly laid sod and water to have the fertilizer absorb into the grass and soil.

Mowing Your New Sod

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